We want to make sure that you understand who we are and what is important to the CHAP Volleyball program as you commit to be a part of it:
CHAP is a Christian organization that promotes the physical growth of young athletes alongside their spiritual growth. As wonderful as athletic development is, we want our sport to complement, encourage, and enhance each player's Christian walk, not be a distraction from it.
Because CHAP is a Christian athletic program, we are first and foremost about honoring Christ in all we do, on and off the court. We strive for excellence and encourage our players to do the same, while keeping in mind that our highest goal is bringing glory to God and helping our players become more well-rounded, mature, and godly followers of Christ-- not just all-star volleyball players.
Just as with other CHAP VB decisions, our team placements were made prayerfully, determined by the leadership team with input from the CHAP coaching staff, and our decisions seek to take into account a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to, or in any particular order:
· Positive attitude
· Christian character
· Work ethic
· Skill level
· Past performance
· Positions played
· Team dynamics
· Family commitment
· Participation in CHAP VB over the years
· Looking ahead to build solid CHAP teams for future years
· Practical considerations such as teams siblings are on, ride-sharing, parental help with coaching, etc.
Participants on our Elementary and Junior High teams (12U & 14U levels) are here to learn the game of volleyball, develop new skills, and fine-tune their abilities while sharing court time with their teammates. Coaches do their best to offer equal playing time at this level.
Our Junior Varsity and Varsity team players are here to continue their growth in the sport of volleyball while competing at a more intense level of competition. Although our coaches work hard to offer the best experience to all players, playing time during games is not equal or guaranteed at this level.
All players, at all levels, are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and Christ-like behavior on and off the courts. All players are expected to be respectful of coaches, parents, teammates, and other teams.
Note: Parents, coaches, and all CHAP family, friends, and fans in attendance at CHAP events are also expected to be respectful and to exhibit good sportsmanship from the sidelines or the stands-- honoring Christ and representing the CHAP Chariots program well.
CHAP Chariots Volleyball has been an integral, respected, and competitive part of the homeschool volleyball community, not only in Michigan, but regionally and nationally, for many years. We will continue to prayerfully do our best to offer a solid Christian program that develops godly young women and young men. We pray that our program will be a positive and encouraging environment, characterized by integrity, kindness, good sportsmanship, and above all, remain rooted in Christ.