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Practice for Varsity Girls, JV Girls, and the Boys JV/V team begins on Monday, Aug 5th.

All other teams will begin practice on Tuesday, August 6th

In August, Varsity Girls, JV Girls, and the Boys team will practice 3 times a week- Mon, Tues, & Thurs. 

12U & 14U will practice twice a week- Tues & Thurs. 

We realize that August is still summer, so likely players will miss some practices due to vacations, etc…

Please just let your coach know in advance when players will not be at practice, so they can plan accordingly.

  • Monday practices for JV, V, and Boys JV/V will be from 4:00-6:00pm. 
  • Tuesday and Thursday practices start for some teams (14 White & 14 Silver) at 4:00pm.

Others will begin at 5:00 (Boys) or 5:30 (12 Green & 12 White), and Girls JV, V, and 14 Green will practice 7:00-9:00pm.

Once the season officially gets underway after Labor Day, practices will be twice a week for Varsity Girls, JV Girls, and Boys (Mon. & Thurs.), but only once a week (Thursday) for everyone else. This is a general plan and more details will be shared as they become available. 


Away games will mostly be scheduled on Tuesday nights (a few Mondays), and home games will be on Friday nights during the months of September and October, with our final home game of the season (Senior Night) being on Tuesday night, Oct. 22. 


Most tournaments are on Saturdays. A few are on Friday and Saturday.

There are some teams attending ‘pre-season’ tournaments on Aug. 17 or 24, and all teams will conclude the season with our State Homeschool Volleyball Tournament in Brighton on October 25-26.

The National tournament in Kansas will be attended by V Green, V White and V Boys. It is a 3 day tournament which requires a travel day on both ends, so requires players to be gone from Wednesday through Sunday, October 16-20.

A calendar with specific practice, game, and tournament dates & details will be shared with you soon.  We will also be explaining how to use the SportsEngine app for all communications… Stay tuned!

Please understand that we are doing our best to finalize the season schedule for August through October as soon as we can, but it is still tentative and some dates and times could/probably WILL change. Although we all try to avoid date changes, they do happen! Families need to be aware of this and should always double check SportsEngine for the most recent dates, times and locations. 

**NOTE: As soon as your family is aware of a conflict which will prevent your player from attending any scheduled CHAP event, please be sure to notify your coach. (There is an easy way to do this right in the schedule on the SportsEngine app...)