Cross Country
The time has come once again!! CHAP XC Practice officially begins on Monday August 12th, and Registration for the new Fall season should be active by August 5th here on our SportsEngine Website.
If you haven't already found it, here's the Registration link:
It's fairly straight forward, and should take less than 15 minutes to complete. Our new Registration system is done completely online for all CHAP sports including XC and TF. This makes life and team admin. much easier for all of our CHAP Coaches, as all necessary forms are now filled out and collected online during the Registration process, as well as payments.
As for the details about CHAP XC Practices, we typically practice from 4-6pm every weekday at Hawk Island through the end of August. There will be some adjustments to the practice schedule after school starts in September. If you're new to the team, you can try it out for a week or two before committing. Team Registration for this fall will close on Friday, September 6th.
"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us!" Heb. 12:1
Coach Shoe